Tuesday 12 March 2019


It feels like the first dark clouds have started appearing on the horizon.
The dark famines have left deep cracks in the Earth, yet the focus is on those dark clouds. 
They have come with a calm, soothing promise.
Not like its wild sibling, Hurricane,
Who made me anticipate the rains, but laughed and ran away while I day-dreamt.
This calm soothing breeze looks at me with her promising eyes.
She promises me the sweet petrichor, and the tingling wet sensation on my skin.
I want to believe her, but the betrayals have made my faith skeptical.
I stare at those dark clouds to reassure wether they were really staying.
She smiled down at me.
And as I felt the drops on my cheeks and lips, she said, this is the law of nature my child.
The most beautiful shower comes after the driest famine ever.
The key is not to focus on the cracks, but to keep your eyes on the incoming dark clouds.
Because, if not today, they will definitely come tomorrow, 
For that is the law of nature, and nature never forgets.

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